IndoBanner Exchanges

Jumat, 29 Februari 2008

Perum Penerbitan dan Percetakan


BP No.3401

(c) All right reserved

First published in English 1987

Translated from the Dutch by Dr.A.P. Dharma

Original Title:

Indonesische Geneeskrachtige Planten

© De Driehoek BV, Amsterdam


Dha Dharma, A.P.

"Indonesian Medical Plant"/by Dr.A.P. Dharma

- First edition –

- Jakarta : Balai Pustaka , 1987

- 292 hal.

I.Tanaman Obat I.Judul II.SeriISBN


For thousands of years man has used plants for medicine. This book, Indonesian Medical Plant, written by Dr.A.P.Dharma, contains 145 species of medicinal plants. The author explains in detail the locality, the characteristics and use of each species.

The publisher hopes that this book will be a valuable source of information for readers interested in Indonesian herbal medicine.

Balai Pustaka


This selection of 145 Indonesia medicine plants, chosen from the numerous used species in Indonesian traditional medicine, is based on combination of criteria, a.o. including their being described more often than usual; the lack of contradictory data , especially on their therapeutical use; their being known the Pharmacopoeias of various countries; the availability of supplementary scientific data, e.g. chemical, pharmacological or clinical facts; their concomitant economic botanical use for man, e.g. as food plant, as producer of useful ingredients, etc.; and other relevant criteria based on the common sense of the author, especially in relation to the future.

A Register of Latin Names is included for those more acquainted with scientific data based on literature to be compared with and a Register of Diseases and Disorders paves the way for easily finding the therapeutic uses of the treated species.

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